Short articles and thought starters

Hvorfor din e-mail liste er en af de vigtigste digitale kanaler (og hvordan du skal opbygge den)
- Dziugas Dauksas
- March 20, 2025

404 Fejl: Den usynlige trussel og hvordan du bekæmper den
- Palle Frøhlich Hansen
- March 4, 2025

Tak for alt, Universal Analytics!
- Mads Haulund
- July 2, 2024

Invitation til Spinnaker Nordics 10-års jubilæum
- Mads Haulund
- June 17, 2024
Who is Spinnaker Nordic?
Spinnaker Nordic was founded in 2014 (then simply as Spinnaker) with a vision to create an agency which, through transparent solutions and insourcing, could deliver agency services to companies, for the companies' sake. Not the agency's.
For over 10 years, we have delivered hundreds, if not thousands, of solutions that we are proud to have been a part of implementing. What they all have in common is that we enter into collaborations on the customer's terms, and not our own. Because we have learned that it creates far more value if we adapt to the customer's setup than the other way around. Therefore, we often consider ourselves an extended part of our customers' teams
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