The long-term and organic strategy for success


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SEO - Search Engine Optimization or how we make Google love your website


Technical SEO

The correct tracking of your data is essential. When we can see how
users act on their side, we can hypothesize why
and what experiments we can perform to make them hit
the conversion goals we have. Without accurate tracking, we fumble
blind and may end up with t optimize based on erroneous assumptions, which
may result in fewer conversions, therefore this part is so
decisive and the foundation on which we must always start.


A/B testing is a crucial process in conversion optimization that helps you make informed decisions based on actual user data. This method, also known as split testing, involves comparing two versions of a website, often called A and B, to determine which one performs best in relation to a specific goal, e.g. CTR, number of conversions, time spent on the website etc.

Link building

Landing page optimization plays a vital role in creating an effective online presence and maximizing conversions. A landing page is often the first impression potential customers get of your company or product, so it's crucial to make this moment as compelling and seamless as possible to keep the user on your page and guide them to the next logical steps down of the sales funnel.

Why is SEO important?

Increased understanding of your target group's needs

A strong CRO analysis will give you a better understanding of your target group's behavior and the actions on your website and give you a deeper knowledge of how you can influence their movement patterns in the direction you want.

More relevant visitors

Once you get traffic to your site, you need to make sure it converts according to your desired KPIs and the better a CRO you have, the more you get out of your traffic in terms of sales and the size of their shopping cart.

Pull strategy

Digital development is lightning fast and constantly changing, and so are your competitors, therefore it is crucial to be at the forefront of the development so that you always ensure that your traffic converts.

Unseen branding channel

If you are high on Google's search results, in Google's eyes you are seen as an authority in your field and . But also in the eyes of the users, they will typically place more credibility on you when you are at the top versus at the bottom or on the following pages, which will also strengthen your brand knowledge and brand authority.

The 4 pillars of SEO


The technical setup of your site is an important cornerstone in a holistic SEO strategy. The amount of code and how it is loaded on your website affects page speed and indexability, which are crucial for Google's ranking of your site. Structured data makes it easier for Google to read the content of your website. Conversely, duplicate content is a hindrance that will negatively impact the quality of your technical setup.


A strong authority is characteristic of the top 3 search results across keywords. One of the methods to optimize your authority is through link building on a wide range of websites, with both high and low domain ratings, so you have a diversified set of links that appears credible to Google. Anchor texts with relevant keywords for the page they link to serve as a guideline that gives an extra boost to your authority.

User Behavior

How users behave on your website is crucial. This is significant for Google because it indicates whether your website has relevant content of good quality that users engage with. If you have a high bounce rate or frequent instances of pogosticking, it will adversely affect your Google ranking. Similarly, Google pays attention to your Click-Through Rate (CTR) in search results. If users rarely click on your website in the search results, it is an indication to Google that your website may not be relevant for the search query.


The content should be directed towards the keywords you want to optimize your SEO efforts for. Therefore, you need to have the right keywords and related terms woven into your text. Google can then clearly see that your page is relevant to the given keyword. The keywords should consistently appear as a common thread in your texts, titles, meta descriptions, and image tags, providing a clear focus.