
Here you will find our latest articles and thought provoking articles. If you are curious about more, please book a meeting with us.

Slip for en GDPR bøde fra Datatilsynet! - Afgørende Indsigter fra 100 Shopify shops - Del 3 af 7

Avoid a GDPR fine from the Data Protection Agency! - Crucial insights from 100 Shopify shops - Part 3 of 7

Data is incredibly important for an online store. It forms the foundation for optimizations, changes, and an overview of our business status. Therefore, it is essential to collect data, but most i...
Kan testimonials øge din shops konvertering? - Afgørende Indsigter fra 100 Shopify shops - Del 2 af 7

Can testimonials increase your shop's conversion? - Crucial insights from 100 Shopify shops - Part 2 of 7

During the second half of 2023, we have been in contact with approximately 100 Shopify shops through email, phone, physical meetings, and online sessions. It has been very exciting to ...
8 ting der forbedrer din Shopify SEO

8 things that improve your Shopify SEO

  Welcome to our article on how to get started with SEO for your Shopify site. In today's digital age, having a strong online presence is critical to the success of any business. Search Engin...

Must-haves on your product page - Crucial Insights from 100 Shopify shops - Part 1 of 7

During the latter half of 2023, we have been in contact with approx. 100 Shopify shops, both via e-mail, telephone, physical meetings and online meetings. It has been fantastically exciting to be ...
checkout shopify conversion rate optimazation

Is the perfect checkout flow found in Shopify?

The famous 70% lasts for ten years Around 70% of all customers who have put something in the basket and gone to checkout in an online store do not complete the purchase. If you look at the statisti...