
Here you will find our latest articles and thought provoking articles. If you are curious about more, please book a meeting with us.

Tak for alt, Universal Analytics!

Tak for alt, Universal Analytics!

Denne artikel er lavet med hjælp fra AI Kære Universal Analytics,Det er med en klump i halsen og en god portion nostalgi, at vi må sige farvel til dig. Ah, Universal Analytics – den betroede ven, d...
GA4 Conversions er nu "Key Events"

GA4 Conversions er nu "Key Events"

Det har været ventet i nogle måneder, at Google ville ændre deres terminologi i GA4, så det fremover hedder Key Events, og ikke Conversions. I praksis betyder det ikke noget for din brug af GA4, da...
Slip for en GDPR bøde fra Datatilsynet! - Afgørende Indsigter fra 100 Shopify shops - Del 3 af 7

Avoid a GDPR fine from the Data Protection Agency! - Crucial insights from 100 Shopify shops - Part 3 of 7

Data is incredibly important for an online store. It forms the foundation for optimizations, changes, and an overview of our business status. Therefore, it is essential to collect data, but most i...
Hvilken CMP skal du vælge? Kampen er i gang.

Which CMP should you choose? The battle is on.

Who should you choose from the two Danish market leaders at CMP?